


Title 18 - Environmental Conservation - air quality, PM-2.5

Filing notification attached.
Title 18 - Environmental Conservation - air quality, PM-2.5
Department of Law file number:  JU2012200295 (Parts 2 and 3)

18 AAC 50.007; 18 AAC 50.065(f); 18 AAC 50.075(a)(2),(d); 18 AAC 50.076; 18 AAC 50.077; 18 AAC 50.245; 18 AAC 50.246; 18 AAC 50.990(65),(123),(133-(140)

Filed:  January 29, 2015
Effective:  February 28, 2015
Published in Register:  213, April 2015

Attachments, History, Details


Department: Office of the Governor
Category: Regulations
Sub-Category: Filed by the Lieutenant Governor
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #: JU2012200295 (Parts 2 and 3)
Publish Date: 1/29/2015
Archive Date: 7/26/2015
  • JU2012200295 (Parts 2 and 3) effective date
    2/28/2015 12:00am